Lifestyle Challenge will encourage healthier living

Greene County Medical Center and the Jefferson park and recreation department are collaborating on a new program – Lifestyle Challenge – to help area residents improve their health and wellness through weight loss, exercise, and better nutrition.

Lifestyle Challenge is a team effort. Two to six persons will comprise a team. Teams can be all male, all female, co-ed, family members, co-workers, or anyone who wants to improve their health by exercising and/or losing weight. Participants do not need to be members of Greene County Community Center, but members have an advantage in being able to use the community center amenities for their weight loss and exercise goals.

Weekly weigh-ins at GCCC will keep participants accountable. Weigh-ins will be done Fridays, Jan. 3 to Feb. 28, from 6:30 to 9 am ad from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Staff will track and record weight loss percent (not individual weights) and body fat percentage.
The programs includes stress management classes and instructor-led fitness classes to help participants reach their goals.

Lifestyle Challenge will also offer a Workout of the Week, as well as team and individual give-aways, contests, and prizes. Pertinent health and wellness information will be provided, along with healthy recipes (and samples!).

Employers are encouraged to pay the entry fee for employees. The cost is $40 per individual if paid personally, or $30 per individual if an employer pays the fee. Employee groups doo not need to be on the same team or with fellow employees, but the fee must be paid by an employer check to get the discount.

Persons who want more information about Lifestyle Challenge, either about the program itself or the employer discount, can contact Nathan Kral and Denny Hammen at the community center at 515-386-3412.

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